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Eleanor DavisDrew Weing

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Little House Update

First of all, thanks for the positive responses to the release of the Secret Science Alliance. Eleanor really put her heart and soul into this book, and she's been pretty anxious to see how it'll be received. She just had an interview in the local daily paper here in Athens, the Banner-Herald, here's a snippet:
"When you're a kid, you genuinely believe you are capable of doing anything if you could only get around to it," she adds. "You live in a very pleasurable, delusional world." So she wanted to write a book for a child "who would feel that achieving all the stuff was totally possible." (Read the rest here.)

We're still waiting to hear what people actually make of the book. A few early reviews have rolled in, including a very flattering one here from the School Library Journal blog:
"It really wasn't until my boss handed it to me to read that I decided to give it a go and see whether it was worth checking out. I'm so glad he did too since this is one of the most eye-popping, ambitious, intelligent graphic novels for kids I've seen in a long time. And I can guarantee you that it's like nothing your children have ever seen before." (Read the rest here.)

So that's very encouraging! If you're interested in ordering a copy, we always encourage people to patronize their local comics shop or bookstore. But if you're going to be ordering online, here's a handy link to the Amazon page.

In other news, Eleanor and I are going to the Decatur Book Fest just outside of Atlanta this weekend. Eleanor's scheduled to appear on three panels there (and I'll be on one as well):
Minicomics Masterpieces
Eleanor Davis (Stinky, Secret Science Alliance), Chris Schweizer (Crogan's Vengeance) Drew Weing (Set to Sea, The Adventures of Wulf and Merl), Joey Weiser (The Ride Home, Tales of Unusual Circumstance), Kevin Burkhalter (Kevin Days a Week), Jarrett Williams (Lunar Boy, SuperPro K.O.!), and Allen Spetnagel (Dr. Eisenbart)
Think drawing and assembling your own comics to amuse your family and friends doesn't count as making "real" comics? Think again friends! Come hear these mini-comics masters discussing the highs and lows of the mini-comics world, and give you some tips on your own masterpieces!
Saturday, September 5 @ Noon

Art Comics
Brian Ralph (Cave-In, Daybreak), Eleanor Davis (Secret Science Alliance)
A conversation between two of art comics' most versatile cartoonists about creating graphic novels and art for kids and adults.
Saturday, September 5 @ 1:45

Davis, Krosoczka, Vernon
Eleanor Davis (Stinky, Secret Science Alliance), Jarrett Krosoczka (LunchLady), Ursula Vernon (Digger)
Three cartoonists discuss their current works.
Saturday, September 5 @ 4:00

And one last snippet, we've sold out of all our copies of Beast Mother we have on hand. We'll get some more assembled, but not until we polish off a few deadlines - I'd guess a month from now, at least, until they're back online. Thanks to everybody who's ordered!


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