Little House Comics - News
Eleanor DavisDrew Weing

Minicomics & PrintsOriginal ArtQuestions?
Project update

Here's a quick update on the status of Eleanor's and my current projects!

The Secret Science Alliance (and the Case of the Copycat Crook)

The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook

This is the huge kids' graphic novel that Eleanor wrote and drew and I inked (and we spent most of last year working on!) It's completely finished and will come out from Bloomsbury Books in September! We'll be posting a lot more about this very soon.

Set to Sea - I'm posting this up on my site one panel at a time. It's set to be pubished in book form next summer - I'll definitely be posting more about this in due course.
The Flagpole Guide to Athens

 Issue of Dec 31, 1969

This is a free supplement to Athens alt-weekly paper, The Flagpole, that comes out every year (about when the UGA students roll into town). This year, Eleanor did the cover! It's Athens, GA as its own tiny world, with tons od recognizable  little landmarks for locals. It just hit the stands, so if you're in town, pick up a copy - it's free!

Giant Robot's "Junk in the Trunk" art show/yard sale - August 15th
This is an arts n' crafts Giant Robot (the Los Angeles one) is putting on. Eleanor has some handmade little blank books that you can buy, with little paper cut-out illustrations inset into the covers. They're very nice, and the show is tomorrow!


Well, the Little House Comics shop is finally back online! (only a year or so late). We've redesigned the site quite a bit; there's a lot more original art for sale, and a news page that will (hopefully) be updated frequently. A quick walkthrough:

• The "News" page will have updates on projects both by Eleanor and myself, info on book signings and conventions and the like.
• The "Minicomics & Prints" page, unsurprisingly, has our currently-in-print minicomics for sale - including "33 Beasties," a sketchbook mini of mine that hasn't been available online yet. It also has two beautiful new silkscreen art prints by Eleanor, "Ox" and "Girl, Horse, Lake." These prints are handmade, in signed, numbered editions - when quantities run out, that's it. As we make new minicomics and prints (and other goodies) they'll go up here, and I'll drop a post on the news page.
• The "Original Art" page has vast piles of original comics pages and illustrations by the both of us. There's currently a lot of pages from Eleanor's Mome stories, art from her kid's book "Stinky," and minicomics pages by both of us. We'll be adding more art soon, you'll hear about it here as well.
• Here's a FAQ if you've got questions about ordering.
• In a frenzy of self-promotional shamelessness, I also made Livejournal and Facebook feeds for our news updates, please feel free to friend away. And there's good old RSS as well.

The site still has some wrinkles that need to be ironed out, so please let me know if you encounter any bizarre problems clicking through or trying to order something, or if you have any other questions!


May 2005   June 2005   July 2005   September 2005   April 2006   October 2006   April 2007   June 2007   March 2008   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009  

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